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Entering the world of Serious and Therapeutic Games with Python
Serious games are games whose primary purpose is not providing a source of entertainment. They are intricately researched and developed to help with medical treatment. One subclass deals with mental health treatment and this is an emerging field with a high scope for research. Serious games can work in these case scenarios:
1) The military,
2) The government,
3) The education system, as well as,
4) Health care systems
This presentation was utilized for the ChennaiPy July Meetup.
How may AI help you?
Artificial Intelligence has a plethora of applications in the Mental Health space, some of which are in this presentation. Not only are these topics introduced, but their core principles and functioning are also explained with effective examples to understand the presented concepts.
Some of the included topics are:
1) Artificial Intelligence in Decision Making
2) Serious and Therapeutic Gaming
3) Human behaviour modelling and Simulation
This presentation was utilized for the Anxiety Tech Conference.
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